
Monday, June 20, 2011

Work work work! But more free time days are coming...I hope. Weds meeting w a video person cuz I'm involved in one of R's projects... and I do want this project to get off the ground but I wonder if he's doing it the right way? Well if his way falls thru we try it my way.
What bugs is that last time we met photographer and it was disaster she ate up all our time cuz she wanted to eat first even tho that's not what the appointment was for. But what can u do since she was a volunteer?
Anywa I'm just annoyed at lack of freetime. Which may be why what little freetime I do have is spent stuffing my face and reading gossip websites. Sigh....bad me.

Also... I have the driver's test scheduled for the 24th at 9am and I am fucking terrified.
Which definitely doesn't help the binging, mostly on clearanced chocolate. I've also bought bags of those TGIFriday potato skin chips twice in a row, cheddar and bacon flavor. And ate the whole damn bag in one sitting both times.
Did I mention I'm freaking out?
Oh and I just remembered now Mich said more Fairy Queen is up.
Should go lose myself in her kickass fiction. I also neeeeed to reread Underwood cuz I totally forgot what Jackfairy did to get punished.
Plus you always notice new things the next time around!
Oh! I also ran into a video about Mark Ronson's work and the video was made by 2 kickass directors and they mde it as a form of homage to Legend of Zelda. Mostly the original 8bit and the SNES Link to the Past games. I need to get that link up at some point. It made me grin and giggle.
Ok...go to bed Honor!

1 comment:

  1. You will do awesome on your driver's test!! <3

    We definitely need more time in general. Shall have to get moving on the invention of a working time-turner. :D

