
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

update & boring stuff

I was good and went to class yesterday. Trying to psych myself up to log in to the class website before the next class...tomorrow (technically today, is nov 17 now where I am)

Today (meaning nov 16) I took R's girl out driving again. And once again the Check Engine light turned on and stayed on after about 30 mins. So we stopped & turned car off for a few minutes, then since I wondered if shifting back and forth (practicing manuverability) was doing it...
So I actually took her out on the roads a bit. Yup she drove the road. There was some major roads between the parking lot and the neighborhood, the idea was she did not go into reverse at all.
And Check Engine light can on again after about 20mins.
Pull over, popped hood, checked oil, all good.
.I take over driving.
Go to mall, few turns in parking lot, stops and starts and tight turns getting around in there...
No Check Engine light.
I drive her to her place...all good. I drive myself home and still all good.
I am at a loss.
What the hell is going on?
Does my car just not like her?
There was one thing...... sometimes when she hit the brake the gearshift shuddered and clicked into maybe she wasn't always fully in gear?

Also did another makeup practice. I got a lot of marykay samples I want to use up, and also full size products.
I think my oil mattifiers got old or something. I used the usual mk matttifier, the same liquid foundation from last time, and an mk pressed powder sample (instead of Closer) and the all-nighter setting spray.
Well something went wrong cuz within 2 hours my face, esp forehead and nose, looked like someone had swiped multicolored wet sand across my face. Wtf?
I rubbed the worst of it off on a napkin in my car, and later made a beeline to sephora for a sample of urban decay's oil control primer. (Also found Mom's Christmas dillards. Seems only they carry 5th Avenue. Oh's been years since I got Mom anything and it's definitely the only present she's getting from me.) Since I like their all-nighter spray...
Hmmm... I just now buffed a too-dark powder on to check my application methods. Looks smooth. Looks like a sunburn on me ^_^
But it was buffed onto mostly-bare skin. the oil is peeking thru already..
Well I'll keep playing. It helps keep my hands out of food. Binging still bad but getting better. My cal count today was actually on the high end of "normal human adult" range. Rather than superbinge range. Still not where I want to be but getting there.
And when you sign up to sell marykay you get a "starter kit" full of full-size liquid foundations in several shades. So just like you'd use a tinted self-tanner I can check my technique by using a darker color. I have enough of them. Paint on..wash off.. paint on...wash off...
Can't stuff face while painting face ^_^

Eta: recreated the problem.. the colored powder reacted to the oil & darkened. Well duh. Right?


  1. If I lived near I'd totally come over to your place for girly slumber parties with makeovers so we couldn't binge XD You'd be in charge of faces while I'd take over nails.


  2. Can't stuff face while painting face--brilliant! :D

    I used to sometimes pretend I was someone super fancy like a geisha, with the intense makeup and so I couldn't eat because I was just way too fancy to risk upsetting my makeup.

    I wanna come to the slumber party!!

