
Thursday, November 15, 2012

yup. still a pig.

Ugh... I'm still eating way too much. I'm successfully staying away from chocolate thus far but I'm pigging out on *everything* else.
Off the top of my head today.... 2 eggs. Finished the liver sausage. Bologna on pumpernickel bread. 2 bags of popcorn. Too many tootsie rolls. Tootsie roll pops. Corn flakes and milk. Candy corn. Green Goodness. Carrots.
I've certainly done worse. I've also done better. I'm glad to be fighting against the chocolate addiction, but I'm not losing any weight. I was actually up today *cries*.
My humble goal for tomorrow, in addition to no chocolate, is to be liquids only when I'm home alone. Mom is just as busy now as she was before she retired, so she is gone most of the day. Hmm I don't wanna stuff my obese face at night tho either. So I guess my goal is liquids only and just eat with Mom. Hope she's not watching something depressing.
I'm upping my water tho so I'm happy about that. I'm really leaning on the flavored carbonated waters Kroger makes. It's like soda pop without the calories or caffeine. Thus far I like the Strawberry and the Strawberry Kiwi. They're super carbonated so I usually crack on open and let it sit half-unscrewed so it can go just a little bit flat. I'm weird that way.
Kroger also had some $10 scar cream. Much better deal than work. So I got that. My hope is that since I just noticed the marks and I stare at my potbelly in disgust fairly often.....I'm fairly sure these marks are less than 2 months old. And the Kroger scar cream has inion bulb extract which I think I read is useful on scars. Just gotta remember to put the stuff on 4x a day. Here's hoping!

Been reading Regzig again. It's kinda become a normal thing because my phone doesn't crash right away on her blog. I'm trying to trace what her great 34 day fast plan was. Her plan doesn't have nearly enough protein for my liking but I'm still curious. And I'm still inspired by her willpower and her faith.
Somewhere I read a comment by a blogger who still sometimes she'd once done a 34day fast. I wish I could remember who posted that...where did I read that comment? Cuz I wonder if it was Regzig's big group fast.
My bad memory drives me crazy.


  1. Make sure you keep getting enough vitamins and stuff when you're fasting or doing liquids only. <3
    What kind of scar cream did you get? I've tried a million and none of them seem to do anything... Let us know how it works!

  2. You might be up from the soda water. Carbonated stuff causes water retention and bloating. Still can't stay away from my coke zero though!

    What I hate about fasts is that the weight comes back so quickly afterwards. Do you use a calorie counting thing like Fitday? To make sure the weight goes away and doesn't come back you should aim for .5-1kg a week (1-2lbs) so it's pure fat loss and not muscle mass too. That's 500-1000cal/day deficit. If you take your BMR into account with your daily activity then you can do that and stop your metabolism from crashing down into survival mode. I'm lazy so I use Fitday to crunch the numbers for me XD

    Can you get palmers coconut butter stuff in the USA? I use that and tea tree oil on my scars. It's magic! I'm going to look up that kroger stuff too, it might be cheaper for me to buy it online than get the palmers from work. (Isn't it stupid like that?!?)

    Omg I'm craving pizza and hot chips soooooo badly right now. HELP! Dens up the road does chilli salt chips and I'm so addicted to the bloody things. I had to ban myself from them for a month to put a break the addiction! (If I'm scoffing too much of a particular takeaway I ban myself from it for a month)

    Sorry I'm all ranty today. We had a 'Rage against scientology day' at the gym and now I'm in the 'rage against all long-term-ineffective ways of doing things' mode. Just want to help you in the way that will give you what you want for the longest period of time. Shit does that even make sense?

    Love you to bits Honor *huggles*

  3. chocolate :D and omgosh nooo. i dont believe that you've eaten everything else.
    2 eggs. :) pretty healthy. omgosh that weird liver thing.
    it doesn't sound as bad as you made it out to be, babe.
    awww :( -hugs- i feel your pain of being up today.
    my bad memory is a nuisance. gaaaaah.
    -Sam Lupin
