
Monday, September 7, 2015


Well the good news is my fin aid check finally came. Tho ofc it arrived before the long weekend of banks being closed. Sigh.

and in other news... car is going. The engine computer is dying, the old rotor brakes are failing, and I am now scared to drive my car. And the repairs would be more like retrofit replacements. In short,I can't afford to fix it anymore :(
it is now cheaper to get a new car. I am sad about it. I admit I must replace my car but I don't have to be happy about it!

I was also stuck at a "family gathering" at bitchaunt's. Not happy. Once again it was mostly her husband's friends and jailbird's kids. It was my idea to bring my youngest sister along, and it was hard to convince her to come. The dear girl honestly thought she would not be welcome because her mother was "the other woman" I see daddie dearest filled her head with nonsense.
guess what else daddie dearest did?
he took money out of his youngest daughter's social security to pay his own bills..... and then he told her about it and said he had to because her mother wasn't giving him enough money. He is using babysis as a weapon against stepmom.... just as he often used me and Bro against my Mom. Well weel stepmom did everything in her cconsiderable power to break up Mom's marriage and stepmom won. My Mom was financially ruined. So I don't feel sorry for stepmom at all. But I really feel sorry for babysis being manipulated and caught in the middle. It's not her fault her parents are assholes.

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