
Monday, September 15, 2014

is the US voting on an internet bill?

Remember I basically have no internet. This not-so-smartphone has very limited web functionality. And Peri had a vlog where she mentioned if something passed in the States it might happen in New Zealand too? And I can't find anything on my phone and my ccomputer is both outside of my house and does not have internet. So if anyone can give me a hint on what's happening, i'd love it.

In my news...I am sick. Those kids I babysit were sick and I caught it. And my check engine light came. On. And I am feeling so stressed and angry. Mom is riding my ass because we're running out of food and I'm the only one with free rein to leave the house and go shopping. While sick and on an engine light.

I fucking hate this shit.

I still have to "babysit" too. I still have to be out on the road at 4am in order to get over to her place by 430 when she leaves. Please note her kids are in junior high. They should be using alarm clocks and getting their own butts out to the bus on time by now.

honestly the dog is the only reason to go over there. And I should be able to dogvisit later in the day. Tho this chick should not be allowed to have a dog. This poor dog has spennt so much of his life caged that he doesn't understand the concept of playing fetch. You throw something and he doesn't even chase it. And she keeps saying "I'm just not a dog person" then why the ehll are you keeping him? Either become a dog person or give that neglected dog away to someone who will care for him properly! I wish I could take him but ofc with jailbird here it's no dogs allowed.


  1. Sorry I've been AWOL for so long. Life has fucking pwned me this year :(

    US cable companies were lobbying for a bill that would assfuck net neutrality
    Our Prime Minister is a total wanker, loves people with shitloads of money and screws the rest of us over.
    His nickname is The Smiling Assassin, FFS! I can't stand the two-faced git. If I ever met him face-to-face I'd do something stupid XD

    If the cable companies win in the states it's a matter of time until National tries to do tha same to us. You guys have a major effect on the rest of the western world with what happens in your country.

    Fuck, come here and I'll nurse you back to health? If she's making you do all the food shopping runs you CAN charge gas money. What kind of car do you have? miles has a mechanic mate :)

    If you're not a dog person don't have a dog. Simple as that. Plant seeds for her to get rid of the god and start trying to find it a home? If my yard was dogproof I'd totally get a dog. I want a staffie. I love their cute little bear heads and the happy noises they make.

    Love you honor <3

  2. People who keep their dogs caged all the time INFURIATE me. Like seriously why the hell would you get a dog just so you can cage it???? Feck's sake.

    I think it's time I followed my dream of disappearing into the forest to live in a hut, and you and that dog should obvs come with me.
