
Monday, August 19, 2013

i want hugs

I'm unhappy. Hating work. It's been hell. A new dumbass coworker has been late multiple times and she's so stupid she actually called me up to change the paper in the cash register. The receipt tape. Yea cuz the picture on the printer wasn't enough *headdesk* combine that with her being 4 hrs late today so I was up front and got nothing done..... ugh. She was an hour late on her first day. Then there was a no show and work called her and she was all "I didn't know I had to work. I'm out of town." And she's got 2 days next week scratched off already cuz she's "not available". Ugh. And the older lady got canned after being drunk on the job so I get to handle the greeting cards aisle. Fuck! Ok...tthat would be ok if ALL I diid was the greeting cards..... since I am still expected to run up front and get makeup sales... yea I'm unhappy. Dumbass constanly interrupting doesn't help. Had another food stamp abusing fuctard come in and by 25 2-liter bottles of soda pop with food stamps. And nothing else. That's all he bought. And when I tried to eenforce corporate's limit of 10 bottles per household (or. Whatever cuz you know assholes will just send in different family members) then he threw a fit & got threatening and when he got his way he belittled me saying I'm bad at math.
The food stamp program is supposed to be used to get healthy REAL food in the hands and mouths of the poor. How the hell is Pepsi and Mountain Dew healthy? If I were to try to start a movement for welfare reform to remove soda pop from the food stamp list, would anyone care? Too many peeps seem to think that food stamps belong to the stamp user. Here's the thing.... money belongs to those who earn it. Meaning us taxpayers. Since the money was taken from us & given to the food stamp users then why can't we change the food stamp acceptance policy? We're already setting limits by not allowing food stamps to be used for toys and gaming systems.
food stamps are not earned by the user. They're earned by taxpayers and given to the user in hopes of keeping the population healthy. And wine and energy drinks can't be bought with food stamps so why is soda pop ok? It's sugar and water and artificial junk and caffeine. It's a cheap and low quality energy drink. And I'm tired of my taxes being wasted on junk by these lazy assholes. Get a damn job.

I've been drowning my sorrows in chocolate and Sailor Moon. Some very kind individuals have put the original Japanese episodes up with english subtitles. So I finally got to see Haruka and Michiru (the awful american version called them Amara and Michelle) as they were meant to be. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are a lesbian couple, and a damn cute one at that. The evil american version tried to make them cousins, and butchered their dialogu to hide the truth, and deleted scenes. If you know my youtube acct I faved my favs ^_^ so I could easily find the ones that made me go Awwwww the most even if onmy phone. Once I'm on computer again I'll post some links. I haven't found all the episodes but I found most of the last 3 seasons so I got enough to realize Haruka and Michiru are freakin adorable. I'll never watch the american version again. I want to learn to draw those two so I can add to the cuteness. There are some cute fanfic on fanfiction,net that I actually want to try to draw. Hah! Like I could possibly be an illustrator! Pffft wake up, Honor!
It's just that my own fanfic ideas are so visual. I'm jotting them down anyway, to see if I can figure out how to paint them with words. I do love writing, but Star Trek is easier to write than this! Wtf?! Perhaps because so much of Sailor Moon is visually based.. ever seen the cartoon? They spend way to long showing the transformations. The manga is just as visual. Huge two-page spreads per explosion. Big pictures showing new powered up costumes. Is it wrong that I prefer the anime? In the manga there is clear devotion bbetween Haruka and Michiru but the cute bantering seems to be missing. I haven't found any yet and I've gone thru half of what Mangafox has posted. My girls are there, but the cuteness is missing. In the anime the girls are teasing each other and making each other jealous sometimes. I am glad to have found the english-translated manga. It answered some questions and gave me a bit more to work with. And sometimes it has a very different storyline. But I want teasing cuteness!
ok I should try to sleep. At least my schooltime schedule is back so I will soon have days off. I must spend those days doing something. I've got 2 comic ideas that need fleshing out, a Sailor Moon fic outlined, and I have an empty notebook to maybe try my hand at real anime style drawing..... just don't ask to see it *blush*


    ok four hours late is not acceptable what the fuck
    everyones bad at math for fucks sake anyway xD
    the sugar keeps you going for long periods of time. but fuck Pepsi is as healthy as eating the can - still will do it though. I love me some Pepsi.
    maybe i'm the reason that you have to have a food stamp on soda ok
    LESBIANS ARE ADORABLE. oh my gosh. I actually hate using the word lesbian so much because it feels dirty. why
    Star Trek is so hot
    ah fanfiction. the reason why my life is destroyed.
    oh my gosh I wonder if people get this lost whenever I start talking to them about Glee fanfiction
    awwwwwwwwww noooooooo you're too cute. don't blush. actually blush. it's cute

    -Sam Lupin

  2. I always thought it was hilarious how they made them cousins in the Yankee version. The two of them are still very obviously a couple, so now they're an incestuous couple.

    That's BS about your work. Why the heck don't they just fire that girl and hire someone competent?!? When I worked in retail I don't think any manager ever put up with that. And they should NOT expect you to do the work of 3 people unless they plan on paying you more.

    Hang in there, love. Enduring this stress makes you ten times more awesome at every job ever, so it will pay off when you eventually find a better place to work!

  3. *Wraps you in a massive hug*

    Ok, I can understand that if there are no instruction, but if there is a handy diagram WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?

    Omfg I want to kick his ass for abusing you and abusing the foodstamps and for abusing the multibuy! SO FUCKNG ANGRY RIGHT NOW.

    I haven't watched past the first sries of Sailor Moon, I really need to! Yes I ship Haruka/Michiru. Tumblr made me ^.^;

    If you don't practise, you'll never get there. PRACTISE DRAWING, DAMMIT!

    Anime style is HARD. There are some bloody good tutorials though. Go have a look :)

