
Wednesday, September 4, 2013


My taste buds love Chex mix. My intestines do not.
Ow..... pain and gas and pain and stabbing pains and did I mention pan? Combine that with the tail end of womanlies uteruspunches and I am not comfy. Ugh. I think it's because there's so much air in chex mix and if I gulp it down I gulp air too. I have a similar reaction to popcorn. Lol my body is more ana than I am.
I've now read thru all the Haruka/Michiru appearances that Mangafox had in their Sailor Moon section. The anime definitely had more cuteness. Oh my girls are still very. Obviously a couple. But the teasing I like so much is mostly anime. Which is kinda strange since Haruka is never a cold character in the manga like she initially is in the anime. Ofc Haruka's coldness at first (in the anime) is caused by her trying to psych herself up to find the Talismans hiddenn in pure hearts even though taking the Talismans would cause the person's death. Haruka's pain at knowing she's required to murder... she hurts. She hurts a lot. They both do, but they have to save the world.
In the manga there is no need to find the Talismans. The Outer Senshi already have them, and always had them. Utanus and Neptune are still gruff about warning Moon to stay out of the way, but that gruffness is undercut by Uranus outright kissing Moon when they first meet while transformed. And in civilian for before they've figured out each others' identities Haruka even tugs on Usagi's hair. So there is some cuteness. I just wanted more. And the anime definitely has more Haruka/Michiru cuteness. A lot more. Let's see if I cann copypaste one even tho am on phone.....
here's hoping I converted it away from a mobile addy correctly. I think the clips are fansubs. They match the subs I've seen and I think all subs are fansubs right now. I'm sure Peri can tell if the subs are accurate ^_^
ahh I wish I knew Japanese. I suck at languages.
today was day 1 of a much anticipated vacation. Or "stay-cation" rather. I wanted to get my fast. Few vac days before the holidays hit because no one's really allowed to leave once the retail-holiday-selling starts. I'm thinking I should double down on my writing and try to get enough words for adsense to work. Then I can relaunch my site with whatever I have to post, even if it's fanfic, and start seriously aiming to be a writer. Even if it's fanfic, I have to start somewhere. And didn't Smallville start as Superman fanfic? Because they sure changed a lot! And I read somewhere that this horrendes 50 shades of gray shit started a Twilight fanfic (wtf who writes fanfic for that shit?) So clearly it can be a starting point.
And yea I hate twilight. I have nothing against the actors. It's the characters thaat I hate. Bella is so damn blank. And stupid. And even though the story basically revolves around her, she's not very active. I swear it's all about who she's going to date. Buffy had a world to save. Bella is just blank. They should not even be in the same paragraph.
I need to try to sleep. Maybe my guts will calm down. I need to catch up on blogs too.


  1. Yay for staycations! Don't forget to treat yourself to something special, even if you're not going anywhere :)

    Yes, 50 Shades is Twilight fanfic... I think Twilight is silly fluffy fun. 50 Shades is about a couple where the man likes to sexually assault the woman and the woman sticks it out and changes him into a better man. What the ever-living fuck people find appealing about that is beyond me.

  2. 50shades was definitely Twilight Fanfic. UGH.

    Ok, we need to find good Uranus/Neptune slashfic and share :D I shall send you my favourite Spirk, and Doctor/Rose, ok?

    Bella was an author-insert variant of Mary Sue. Just UGH.

    Omg I was at the gym today and there is a new young female trainer who is AWESOME and she said to me 'I'll see you when you're out' and all I could think was "'Bitch I'm already out, what time to you finish work and how do you have your coffee?' AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH OMG HONOURRRRRRRRRRR!!!1!"

    I hope your guts calm down soon :( Love you and miss you <3

  3. P.S.
    Link works fine. AWWW THEY ARE SO CUTE! I already shipped it from Tumblr, you're love some of the stuff I find there ^.^

    Omg the video was hilarious, I really need to watch the other series of Sailor Moon! (Only seen the first one -.-)
    Have some Tennant, since I have developed a nerdcrush and have always ADORED Scottish accents:

    Thank you for the hugs. I love you to bits <3

  4. P.S

    Yup I can speak a fair amount of Japanese. Sailor Moon doesn't pose too many problems, except when they get into vocab I don't know.

    Omg I ship Haruka/Michiru too! Soooo adorable. *Sigh* I ship you with an as-yet-unfound female in their kinda relationship ^.^

    I'd love to be able to make enough from writing to quit my job. Seems like a pipe dream, though. It's more do-able now than it was when I was little (Still have Anne McCaffrey's words to the effect of 'it's impossible to support yourself as a writer' burned into my head -.-) but you know me and how I feel about myself and the things I make >.<

    We don't have much in the way of high-turnover jobs here that provide reliable hours. They all get taken by students, fuckitall.

    WOO SAILOR MOON! Animefreak is pretty reliable, but I'm not sure how much they have up after the original series or what order to watch them in. Gah!

    Love you Honour. Thank you for being so awesome <3

  5. You haven't posted in foreeevvveerrrrrrrrrrr!!! (Not that I can talk, but still...)

    You should find some of Robert Pattinson's interviews regarding Twilight, and how he feels about it. Hilarious.

