And I am VERY pissed because I went through all the bother to put one of those damn digital coupons on my loyalty card and it didn't work last night. the FAQs say points offers (it was a digital points offer type thing) can be used WITH the coupons and discounts, and those damn monthly savings books are part of the weekly ad's sale price soooo logically i can get the sale price (which by their own insistence includes the damn monthly) AND the points offer. But it didn't work. I used the paper monthly "coupon" (read: sale price cuz they are assholes) and the points'pon didn't register.
And there is f*ckall I can do about it. Because i am not spending half an hour on hold with an aging battery.
in other news... church custodian is friends with the business that jailbird was stealing his wifi from.. and they didn't like a pedo stealing their badwidth so whatever they did seems to have worked. he's not spending hours up in my bathroom. I'm to keep an eye out though. Ofc i didn't tell Mom or jailbird that i mentioned this to people. We're all keeping our efforts kinda hush hush. Custodian also made me a copy of the key that gives access to the ethernet cables themselves so i can unplug the entire office if i think i need to, and then plug it back in later.
i am still taking my power cord with me. i am also still trying to find a way to use my phone to take any sort of video. apparently the record can be the no-sound variety which yay less space... but doesn't work in the one editor my old computer has. so now i'm trying to find a 3gp to avi converter. google says Pazera makes one.. and Pazera is what i use to rip the audio off 3gp now.. so i have a 3gp to mp3 but the pazera i have doesn't convert video types? or do i use a web-based converter? so i don't download any new programs? i dunno... i've been up since 3am and i am damn tired to the point i was crying with frustration at presumptions r us' website. i was hoping to take a vid of the f*ckedupness and post that but nooooo...
and maybe hairdo vids, because quite a few LHCers will do silent hairdo vids where they do their hair with their backs to the camera and there's no sound. They don't show their faces.
altho to be fair what i SHOULD be doing is writing up that lil report on Book of Ruth so I can record my voiceover, rip the sound, and line up the slideshow. but my brain is all "uuuhhhhh" and i'm on 200mgs of caffeine right now because hi getting up at 3am! and only had 2hrs of sleep last night to boot! cuz it's Lent so i'm up late Weds night and getting up early thurs morning... uuuhh and i know 200mgs isn't much but given that i normally have NONE at all it's a change.
and for some reason the ring and pinky fingers of my left hand are all weird. like tight somehow, like something in there is pinched and i can't get it out. i still have feeling, and i am typing with both hands. everything moves. but it's like something got wrenched and it is not comfy. a similar pain is on my right arm, like inside the elbow, tho the left fingers are definitely worse. what the hell did i do to myself last night? because i was fine yesterday.
ok this may be the dumb thing... but my ancient computer is SOOOO SLOOOOW that i am following internet directions on how to delete old profiles/user accounts. thus far it's all just simple official Windows paths types stuff... no command prompts or booting in Safe Mode... tho i'm not sure why the file folders for those old accounts are still here.... but i'm hoping to dump the big one... jailbird's account. the account he probably used to get on MY computer without my knowledge. damn thing is he can still hack in, i don't know enough... but i'm hoping between deleting old user profile (assuming it doesn't mess everything up) and taking the power cord will be enough to keep him off.
besides i need the space. getting rid of all his sh*t would get me at least 8GB back.
but ugh... my fear is that the way he installed sh*t deleting his stuff might mess something up. everything i'm doing i'm doing the official way cuz i don't know any other way. and he does. and it sucks. but church custodian knows what's up.. he even saw how i take the power cord... so here's hoping.
and all this shit has got me thinking that my best bet, i guess, would be to have my big computer that i write on etc.. and then have a separate one for internet. like the desktop never gets connected, and it's all laptop kinda thing. i'd have to transfer shit with flash drives but at least the computer with all my writing on it would not be harmed so easy.
ok i'm firing up my phone again to take video of each step just in case it all goes to hell i have something to show Bro to help him figure out how to rescue everything.
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