
Monday, March 2, 2015

still here.. and so is he >:(

It's march and the damn jailbird is still here. What's worse... at some point he got his own laptop. I thought it was mom's since she quickly began ignoring the rules and bringing hers home. But nope, he definitely has his own, because sometime in feb he found he could get on a local business' wifi. A shop nearby has an unlocked wifi signal. When the hell did jailbird get his own laptop? And the only spot that wifi is reachable... is in *my* bathroom. He sits on my toilet tank and shoves everything back on my top shelf and puts his laptop there. So the very jerk who is the reason I can't have my computer in my room, is able to get online more often than I can.
and if I tell, I might be homeless. Because I don't know what will trigger the seizure of the house. I do know aunt asshole/auntbitch/mrs snooty would call for mom to kick me out,at the very least. And auntbbitch was in on it too, because even tho she is not a legal guardian, she will come over and pretend to be Mom if the feds call.

I quit Presumptions R Us shortly before Christmas. They had me scheduled 3 to10pm for both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The incompetent fatass got promoted again, and was back to her old tricks of claiming credit for my work and blaming me for stuff she got wrong. Add on asshole customers harassing and outright threatening me and I just had enough.
it was me first Christmas Day off in 5 years.
I have not been back to that store since my last day. No idea about W2.
I am living off my savings right now. Dropping out of school did have the side effect of keeping more money. I had hoped to get the youtube up and running. I turned ads on already. But with no computer in house + horrid winter weather complete with level 3 snow emergencies, I haven't done much.
I do need some income tho. Student loan repay is just under $300/month. And there's gas and car upkeep and while Mom tries to give me money her own income took a hit and feeding jailbird means her costs went up too. I am not expected tto give her money. I do not support him that way. Sometimes I'm stuck driving him to/from church (again no legal guardian present) but that's it.
but a girl does needs pads, chocolate, and motrin, ya know? And I did find a bridesmaid dress for $30 but since quitting job I've lost weight without noticing, just cuz I used to buy junk food every workday. And obviously I don't anymore.
so that's my update. When snowed in I basically watch youtube on my phone, since my ancient phone can't handle much else. I've also tried to keep my feet up. All those years in retail + my pale skin means I got veins behind my knees. Maybe I could wear leggings for the wedding.....

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I kind of want to flay some people. This guy was involved in child porn or something equally heinous, right? It makes me absolutely furious that they are prioritizing that thing over you.

    Also, you can get a W2 faxed or mailed by corporate. I had to a coupla years ago. I could post a phone number, but that would cross a privacy line. Just start by googling the corporate office, call that number, and they can direct you to the right place. I had to send a signed paper saying which year I needed, address, soc, signature, etc, and I had a W2 fairly promptly.

    Take care.
