
Saturday, April 20, 2013

lazy bum!

Well well well....another week gone and I have only lazy daydreams to show for it. I did work on comic #4 it might even be done. I last looked at it on weds. Lost my flash drive again *headdesk*
Also used waaaay too much copy-paste while making comicc #5. I found the eyestrain glasses. Turns out they work by filtering out some of the computer screen's blue light. They are basically a light yellow tint. Which is great... if you don't need to work with colors. So I'm still screwed. I tried to speed things up with copy-paste but the eyestrain still kicked me. Eh. I've always done some copy-paste simply because doing the heads took so long. But this time I copied whole panels. And I still couldn't finish #5 before the eyestrain bit back! And I didn't go to Zumba! I did do 4 10min workout vids tho back on weds. And was soooooooo sore thurs and still sore today. And my pigging out has completely cancelled the calorieburn. My right shoulder is soooooo strained. There is no comfortable position. It just hurts. And my inner thighs are sooo tight I stretch them every time I move or I feel like I can't move. Here's hoping this means I did something right. Some muscle building.

The rest of the time was wasted watching old movies either online or from the huge case of dvds Mom has. I found the old Julie Andrews Cinderella found snippets of the old color Cinderella I remembered seeing as a kid. Estella Warren or something like that. She was good at showing Cinderella's deep sadness. These were both the Rodgers and Hammerstein Cinderellas btw. And I dunno if I spelled their names right. Also found one with Whoopi Goldberg as the queen and Bernadette Peters as the stepmother. Whoopi seriously did not get enough screen time. And that Paolo i-cant-recall-last-name was such a fantastic find! He was wonderful! The girl playing Cinderella was the weak link. Her acting was flat and her voice just wasn't there. I mean she was matching pitch but her voice was breathy and weak and easily lost. I also found a no-singing Cinderella that was very different. It had the lady from Romancing The Stone playing the stepmother and it was very interesting. It was a bit more modern..there were cars and guitars. And instead of a fairy godmother Cinderella went to see a sort of water fairy named Mab.
also found a few Snow White versions, including a terrifying one with Sigourney Weaver as the stepmother.

But my fave find was a version of Snow White that had the dwarves as little engineers who built robots and sought to teach truth to humans. And the court jester turned out to be the prince who married Snow White so she got to actually fall in love with him over time instead of just marrying the guy who woke her up. I need to find that version to buy! Or get my bro to somehow get a copy off the internet. I'd buy it if I could. I found my old childhood Christmas movies, didn't I? I found Nestor, the Forest of Burzee claymation Santa Claus movie the Burgermeister Santa Claus movie, the Rudolph one withe the island of misfit toys... I'm still kinda looking for the cartoon musical The Snowman but it was kinda depressing too so I dunno.
Ow, my shoulder.


  1. im pretty sure you don't pig out that often else you'd be like 50 stone something
    omg when the flash drive loses itself its just fuck
    when you do these reviewws on anything, i just get so lost so. yeah. but i remember Julia Andrews she's pretty but totally not my type
    what are all these movies
    all i know is the original version of Cinderella and Hilary Duff's version omg
    -Sam Lupin

  2. Make a colour palette/reference sheet you can have open in a separate window/screen so you can eyedropper-tool that and wear your eyestrain glasses for longer. That way you'll only need to take them off to quick-check progress or work on backgrounds. (If you have backgrounds you use a lot, do palettes for them too)

    There is a difference between injury-pain and muscle-use pain. Sounds like the thighs are worked but the shoulder is hurt. What did you do to it? o.O

    Omfg Sigourney Weaver as the stepmum? TERRIFYING! D:

    I hope your shoulder gets better soon.

    Love you! <3
