
Saturday, January 5, 2013

my poor dog!

yea i'm gonna keep using that pic until it no longer applies.

I did not get my ass to the bank today. Instead i had a continuous argument w Mom over the dear dog. I love that mutt, and i feel sorry for her. She's sick, and because she's kinda old (at least 12, could be as old as 15) Mom is like "maybe it's time to put her down" and I'm all "NO not yet!"

Here's why...
all her symptoms could be explained by a single thing.. something caught in her throat. Her random coughing and choking when she hasn't eaten anything, her difficulty breathing, and her difficulty eating. Unfortunatly this developed while i was working my ass of in retail hell and i was just too tired to notice exactly when she stopped eating her hard food.
She DOES EAT soft food! But in very small amounts. We're talking like 1/4 a can at a time. She drinks a lot of water. She's very weak right now because she was skin and bones by the time i had enough brainpower to see what was happening. I know she needs a vet visit but I'm afraid the stress of the visit will give her a heart attack.
Here's why that bothers me...

i <b>hate</b> the idea of her last experiences on this earth being in a place she doesn't like, being poked with needles. Of being scared.

Why can't vets do house calls?

And i hate the thoughts of just giving up on her. Because she does respond to my attempts to help her. She took in a bit of plain unflavored yogurt yesterday and she always eats a little each time I put some warm canned soft food in front of her.
if she's still trying, then i want to try too!
Yes, she has hip dysplasia.
She's also had that hip issue for the past 4 years and was fine with it.
A few years back she even blew both her back legs. At the same time! She had surgery and recovered and went back to being a happy dog.
So it's not like these hip problems are new.

She still eats, however little, and she is still going to the bathroom.

i don't want to give up on her yet. i just don't.

in other news... dear peri has pointed me to and i think i'm going to have to spank her later. This stuff looks hard. But hard workouts are good, right?
Looks like they require computer for viewing tho, but i could probably watch a few times & put notes on my phone.
I have to go to retail hell later today (is like 6am) so i should really sleep so I can try to feed the dog before i go. Mom & i are both sick, but I'm recovering faster, probably due to my relative youth.
Also, i actually bundle up when i go outside. That crazy lady was walking around all day without a hat outside! Then she complained about the cold! DUH!
I've said before that I often doubt her intelligence. She's a sweetheart but in what universe is it smart to go outside in below-freezing weather, <i>while sick</i> and without a hat & gloves, or even buttoning the damn coat!?
i wore hat, gloves, hoodie, and a coat and boots.
I still fell on the ice (ouch!) but i seem mostly ok for now anyway.
I hate winter. Autumn is nice, the leaves smell good to me and it's mildly chilly so I can wear layers, but no ice to slip on.  But i hate winter.

I think I'm gonna low carb it for the winter. The burning-hot side effect might help me feel more comfy in this cold weather. Tho right now there's pizza and lasagna leftovers to eat up. Ugh. Mom's been saying the pizza isn't as good lately. Here's hoping that translates into not bringing pizza home anymore. you can bet i don't buy it!

Soo gotta get back on the get healthier bandwagon. And yea that means weight loss. Dunno if that's triggering or not.. because i want to get down to a <i>healthy</i> weight. I am medically overweight, and might have crossed that line into obese. I've said before that I'm not all that concerned with the numbers on the scale so long as the mirror has something i like.
Yes, that is still my fave pic. i do have others that i very much like but they're buried on my hard drive somewhere and this one was already uploaded & therefore easy to find.
 There's another nice one... Samantha in a dress! I like little surprises like that.


  1. It's rough saying goodbye to a pet :/ Think of it this way, though... If it's something treatable, getting her to the vet means helping her feel better faster. If it's not treatable, the vet can tell you and you can get meds on board (very likely she's in pain) and make her last days comfortable.

    If you have her put to sleep, she won't have to suffer the end stages of whatever is going on. The vet can give her meds for anxiety & pain so she feels good, and you can give her a giant greasy cheeseburger (or 1/4 cup of one) and hold her and say goodbye.

    Oof, sorry to be a debbie downer! I've been missing my baby (Rhodi) so much lately. Haven't had a dog in a year and a half, and there's this huge hole still there.

    Maybe I assumed you were a curly girl because of the way you do your hair illustrations with the "spray paint" type tool. I also have fine, thin hair, and getting thinner because of the PCOS, no fun at all! And I'm such a nerd, I'm *still* trying to figure out how to have a good curl day on a regular basis. Thanks for your encouragement on the job/decision making, it means a lot.

  2. *Hugs* Can you guys get her to the vets to get her throat checked out? If you're with her it won't be as bad as if she was buy herself.

    If she is still eating and pooping, get her checked out so you find out what is wrong. It could just be a bit on tinsel or something stuck for them to yank out. Wow she's a tough puppy! If she's survived all that a vet trip shouldn't hurt her so long as you stay calm so she doesn't think there is anything to freak out over :)

    Spanking? YES PLEASE! You'll have to ctahc me first though :p

    Yes, heard workouts are good. They do have step-by-step instructions and most of the gear you need you can improvise or make at home and they do have variants to make it easier.


    /facepalm at your Mum. WARM STUFF TO KEEP WARM PLEASE!

    Winter sucks but I like it. I couldn't sleep much last night coz it was so hot. I could come lie in the snow for a bit, yes?

    I wouldn't say that's triggering. Going the healthy way and aiming for a healthy weight is a good thing. Just be aware as you build muscle that it DOES weigh more than fat, so BMI and scale calculations will be misleading the furthur you go :p

    Right now I'm loving my toned stomach and my guns. OMFG my arms are amazing right now. I don't wanna lose that! Biceps and delts and triceps OH MY! If I'm slicing today I'm so sneaking in some cheeky chek presses when I'm in the chiller.

    I'll reply to your comment tonight, but I think you'd like Greta Christina. She speaks from an atheists' point of view but there are a lot of Nice (read:progressive and not-asshole) christains/jews/muslims who'd probably like her too. She makes fewer false dichotomies regarding feminisim=mysandry than Rebecca Watson. She also says the word 'sex' a lot in this:

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I wanna come hang out. We'd have a blast. WANNA HUG YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!

    Love you Honor *snugglehugs*
