Moving that i am on the computer again (Bro fixed it! yay!) I looked up that cute mini cake youtube vid i sent to Peri with my "wtf is this" question. Youtube's mobile update doesn't like my old smartphone. Anyway... the person who posted the video outright said it was edible! And then... I found it on Amazon! And guess what else I found on Amazon....
Uranus and Neptune mini plushies!!! They weren't sold by Amazon but they were fulfilled by Amazon. I'm not sure what the difference means but so long as Amazon is the shipper I'm not too worried. And then and then and then... since my plushies were fulfilled by Amazon, they qualified for that Add-on Item thing.. which my mini cake set was. The mini cake set requires the microwve and I read that American microwaves are overpowered in comparison toJapanese microwaves. Combine that with how the directions are in Japanese (eeeeeek) and i figured I needed at least two so the 1st can be the rough draft. And damnit, Honor, the next time you are spending money on Amazon you WILL get at least one Senshi! Yea ok a single Senshi is still far more expensive than anything else I've ordered thus far. STILL!
Here is the mini cake video, and I'm glad it exists not just because this is how i learned about making mini foods, but I'll also be following it since I can't read Japanese!
and can I just say i love that poster? there's no interaction but her vids are sooo informative and even soothing to me. So much cuteness!
I don't know what expiration dates i can expect. i'm hoping hoping hoping that they will stay good until I get all of the Inner Senshi later this year. Jupiter isn't even scheduled to be released until August. Venus is later this month. So yea.. start buying more Senshi dammit! Although i guess i could also make one when I get Mars and Mercury. It was just Moon, Mercury, and Mars for several episodes.
or.. i also got mini waffle kit as another Add-On from Amazon. Here's that video:
Looks like that one doesn't even need the microwave.
I don't really expect these things to taste any better than the cheaper gummi candies i sell at work. The point is that they LOOK amazing and adorable while still being edible. Thanks to that youtube poster i've seen mini food kits that require serious prep but are neither edible nor permanent. Yeesh! If I'm going to bother with making something, I want to eat it or keep it!
and yes, that means I've started watching videos about making minifoods using polymer clay. It looks like a steep learning curve, but why the hell not try? Tho after some reading... sounds like maybe at first i could go the air-dry clay route. The air-dry stuff shrinks a bit but for a beginner that could be good. i could start a wee bit larger with my clumsy hands. And there's also how temperamental my oven can get. Air-dry is AIR-DRY, and as small as they would be, they'd probably dry quick. A few days at most. Maybe even just one day.
Of course everyone on the internet has their own percfect clay recipe. Ugh ugh how to choooose?
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