
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ramblings of fun times... NOT!

As I said... interesting times at Casa Regzig!

We'll start with the Old News, now that I'm on comp and can tell it how I wanna....

When a cat or two started taking dumps in my hallway again, I thought it was because I hadn't gotten rid of the smell, and they were confused.
Then one of the cats, not sure which one, peed on Mom's bed.
On the side that she slept on.
In the very middle of the side that she slept on.
This was deliberate.
So Mom went down into the basement to check the litterpans. She was sure they couldn't be that bad. We have a system of 3 pans for the 6 cats, and they'd been changed only 4 days ago.

The sump pump had died. And we don't know when it happened. The water was just over my ankles. The place was a wreck. The litterpans were actually FLOATING in the mess. The violin had gotten wet. It looks like the highly absorbent case lining took most of it, but the case is still drying. The poor violin is hanging from the ironing board from a pipe cleaner. (My viola has never been stored in the basement. I didn't know mom had the violin or I would have pulled it up months ago. i thought Uncle had taken it with him. oops.)
My bro's electric guitar also got wet. he's hoping that since it's electric, it'll be like a phone that gets wet... supposedly if it's off when it gets wet and it's not turned on again until it completely dries out.... it will still work.
Here's hoping.

We found something else too. Also floating in that stinkwater was a bowl half full of cigarette ashes.. from when uncle had been living here.
i KNEW he'd been smoking inside!
The rest of the ashes and cig butts were floating in the stinkwater. As were random turds because the fatter cats don't always realize that their asses aren't in the pans.

Mom got her plumber buddy over, he's a sweet guy, and she had to go buy a new sump pump but as soon as she got it home he hooked it up. The basement was mostly drained by the next morning. It still stinks like turds and cigs, and the concrete floor is all slimy, and we're still waiting for the washer and dryer to be fully dry. He says he doesn't think the water got high enough to hit their mechanics. So once it's all dry down there and we're sure we won't get electrocuted if we turn something on... laundry!
Or I guess i could borrow daddie dearest's place. My half-sis is always happy to see me come over.

Funny thing is... my brother is THRILLED by this turn of events.

Assuming his guitar is ok... he thinks this is the best thing ever. He's been after us for MONTHS to clean up that basement, and then the rest of the house. He's convinced we're gonna end up on Hoarders: Buried Alive or something.
i may have a hoarding issue, but Mom doesn't. She has like a small box of old love letters and pictures of us kids, but that's it. She treasures old photos, but not much else. her problem is mainly disorganization. And she's often too tired to clean when she gets home. you'd think that being retired means she'd have more time to rest. nope! She keeps busy with her church job and taking care of Grandpa and tries to take on piano students because her retirement just doesn't pay enough.
And on top of that, the social security people often withhold her benefits anytime she's projected to make over $14,000 that year. Seriously??? isnt' that below the poverty line?!?!?!
So no... Mom doesn't rest much. So when she's home, she plays Mahjong on her laptop while the TV is playing something, usually some Law & Order show. I can take some of them, but SVU gives me flashbacks and nightmares. I prefer funny shows like Big Bang Theory and How I Met your Mother.

And yes I wrote my name on my pics... practice for my comic. The first used the penpad.. and I'd put it away before I realized I didn't practice on the second. Then I said "hmmm wonder what it would look like trying to sign with the mouse" so i tried ^_^
And yea... hahaha!! Though it could also be from the smaller letters.
I wanna sign my webcomic cartoons.... so if someone does try to steal them, at least they'll have to work a bit harder first, alter the image.

And as is usual with the vampire hermit thing....

Mmmm chocolate is on sale at work again.. Russel Stovers and valentines stuff and Hershey's Drops and Reeses Minis (mmmm) and what is this thing called Self Control? Bah! I'm gonna blame this on being premenstrual ^_^

In comic news... I have now found a webcomic that was made using Wordpress! So now I can see that it is possible, and so I'm tilting towards that now. I mean... as much as I like the idea of coding it all myself...

umm... between the ad codes and php and possible affiliate links as i go along... I dunno. Going the Wordpress route might really make my life easier. And now that I can see comics using it, it actually seems possible.
I have an idea about how i want my comic to look.... a possible layout.
I want the ads to form a nest shape that the comic is kind of nestled in. Since the ads keep it running... it seems appropriate ^_^
And it keeps comic and commentary together. i don't want an ad breaking that up.

And my question is really "what is the most efficient way to get the layout that I want, in a way that keeps updates flowing smoothly?"
Because if i code it myself.. I'm worried that the only way for me to get the new comic on the front page is to either have a separate index page like Earthsong does.. or to redo the index page o_O which... headache!!!! has a gallery where they show you various sites that use the Wordpress software... and it's a nice variety. I just wanted to see a comic, and now i have. Could i get the look I want?
if I go Wordpress, I'll probably end up hosting on Bluehost. If I don't need Wordpress, it might be with HostGator... I do like how they're wind-powered ^_^
Support green energy sources!

I feel a need to hurry now tho! i was serious when i said I'd be happy if this blog earned 3 cents, and I meant it. I also felt I could totally have the comic up and running before that 3 cents arrived.

Somehow i've got 2 cents already O_o

Must draw faster! Must write faster! Must MAKE A FREAKING HOSTING DECISION ALREADY!!!

Oh btw... to any pals here who have websites and aren't thrilled with your current host, HostGator is saying on their site that they do free transfers. Maybe?

And i slept all day and stayed up all night... Mom isn't happy. I also haven't been washing my dishes as i dirty them.. I hate doing that. For some reason i prefer to wash dishes shortly after i get up... as a way to start the day... wtf? And she'd rather do them before bed so she doesn't wake up to a full sink.
i think it's because she can eat right away after waking up and I can't.
By the time the dishes have air-dried, I'm ready to eat. And my dinner habits are to eat late at night then go lie down and read until bedtime. Then sleep. Chores in there seem to interfere with me getting into sleepy-mode.

I must be a weird person.

I hear Prop 8 was ruled unconstitutional in California. A step in the right direction :)
Same article also talked about dear Ellen getting a JCPenney gig or something.
And JCP was getting bullied by some anti-gay group who wanted Ellen fired simply for being gay, and JCP stood by Ellen!

yet another reason for me to shop there! Counter the haters.. some of the comments on that article are soooo clearly bigoted! i guess some people have issues with the full implications of there being neither male nor female in Christ. To ALL who knock, the door shall be opened! Gender is just a function of the mortal realm. Jesus said that in this world people marry and are given in marriage, but in the next world we will be like the angels, and neither marry nor be given in marriage. (Matt 22: 24-30, also Mark 12: 20-25 and Luke 20: 28-36 all the same scene, all the same answer)
I take this in conjunction with neither male nor female, from Galatians, and I think it means that the male-female divide itself will fall away. i don't know what will happen to the people who fell in love and stayed together here on Earth for their whole lives. Tolkien had Beren inscribed on his tombstone and Luthien inscribed on his wife's, and I want to believe God has something planned for couples who were so devoted.

But i think that love, that devotion, will be the deciding factor.

Oh hell... did i pay my card off for Jan? i don't think I did. oops.I owe JCP like $100 now I'm sure.
oops.. ok was like 135$ actually... totally my fault though. I'd forgotten in the January rush. Scheduled a full payoff.

i um... I missed signing up for classes this term.... 2 days before classes started I got a letter in mail saying i couldn't enroll until I talked with the advisor.. and i didn't have a chance to get in between her busy schedule and all the resets at work.

So i definitely have the ability to pay off JCP right now. Sigh.

I should probably try to sleep a bit before the sun rises again. oops... nevermind. Mom's gonna be pissed!


  1. Great post!

    So sorry about your basement What a mess is putting it lightly, yes? Hope the smell goes away soon and the washer and dryer are okay.

    That prop 8 thing...i wish people could just marry, yes MARRY the person they love, so sick and tired of everyone having to stick their noses in what is none of thier business...where is FREEDOM????????

    Love your pics, wish i could do them!

    Take best of care,

  2. Oh, the dishes thing...can totally understand! i am staying with my mum for a while, but when i'm at home, i alwys end up doing them in the morning...i just feel bad that hub has to wake up to a sink full...

  3. I was stalking those Ellen/JCPenny comments for like an hour...

    I really don't get why gay marriage isn't legal yet in the whole country. I mean aren't we supposed to have separation of church and state?!!? Banning gay marriage because of a bunch of cranky over-zealous prudes saying God said it's wrong is kind of bringing religion into the state... Ugh. Makes me SO ANGRY.

    That used to happen to the basement in our old house every spring. :/ Hope it's not too much of a pain to get everything back to normal!!

    I love your cartoons! :D

