
Saturday, February 25, 2012

i'm having issues.....

... with my brain
I know i want my domain name to be the name of my comic, but now that I'm looking at the Choose Domain form, that name looks funny to me.
Grrrr..... so I'm staring at various ways of typing it in a notepad.

here's something unrealted that got me very annoyed.

i can totally see my dad doing that, btw.

Anyway... I'm reading the HostGator terms of service and I'm confuuuused.
Their homepage says Umlimited Bandwidth.. yet their TOS says
You are allocated a monthly bandwidth allowance. This allowance varies depending on the hosting package you purchase. Should your account pass the allocated amount we reserve the right to suspend the account until the start of the next allocation, suspend the account until more bandwidth is purchased at an additional fee, suspend the account until you upgrade to a higher level of package, terminate the account and/or charge you an additional fee for the overages. Unused transfer in one month cannot be carried over to the next month.


The use of more than 250,000 inodes on any shared account may potentially result in a warning first, and if no action is taken future suspension. Accounts found to be exceeding the 100,000 inode limit will automatically be removed from our backup system to avoid over-usage, however databases will still be backed up. Every file (a webpage, image file, email, etc) on your account uses up 1 inode.

Sooo... if I do go the Wordpress route I'll have comments turned off, try to slow the storage buildup... tho again I thought the plan I signed up for is Unlimited storage?
I'm confused.... Seems that inodes are not directly related to storage. How can a 140kb pic use the same amount of inodes as a 15kb webpage code? I'm confused!

Examples of unacceptable material on all Shared and Reseller servers include: Banner-Ad services (commercial banner ad rotation)
Among other forbidden things.. but that's the one that has me confused. I'm running adsense, or I will... but the ads are created by Adsense and sent to my page by them.. so does this mean i can't have Adsense ads or that i can't run an ad generator that sends ads to other sites?

Anyway.. I'n gonna use a different gmail for this and even when i open a different browser Google keeps me signed in here.... so brb.


ok back.. I have just dumped some $160 into this dream of mine.. but that is gonna pay for 3 YEARS assuming Hostgator doesn't get mad at me.
]The fun part is figuring out just where I put my pages. WTF are all these directories?
See I don't want the templates to be set up on my site, i don't want to install anything... I want a very basic setup... actually right now I just want to play ^_^
Just gotta figure out where the feck (^_^) the main page goes. You know that page that pops up when you first type a site in? Yea how do i get one of those?

Oh yay I found their text walkthrough. The one that hopefully won't install anything...
ok... so that's where the public viewable files go.... ooo I think I found the text editor YAY.
Putting that aside to continue the walthrough.... an email accont for my comic? Yes please!
Blast.. now I'm trying to remember how i spelled this old pen name from high school that i am resurrecting for this comic.
ok that done...

Back to that editor... wtf is this i can't do the coding directly myself? The "insert table" button put an actual table in there... not the code for a table, which I can read, thx.

BTW... if i understand correctly.. none of this will be up an active for a day or so.. time to register the name or something.
Which means I can't preview, or show you all... yet...
Ok I think I found the basic code editor.. and how nice when I switch between that and the "Design" tab any things i forgot to add (like the exact wording of the doctype details) is put in for me in the proper place.
So basically i just have to be correct enough for the html's auto-correct to get what I'm doing. I think?

Ok I figured out how to upload a picture! I'm using the flooded basement pic.

Huh... my pic isn't showing up in the design tab but the coding is there in code tab. Ehhh... I'm going to bed :p
these guys got 30 days.. if i can't run adsense code on that site, i want refund and I'll find someone else.

My site should be live soon. Now i gotta go draw the actual cartoons!


  1. Wow, that guy is a DICK. Remind me to NEVER have anything to do with his company? We get assholes like that here too, but at least we're paid enough so that we don't have to rely on tips to survive.

    I wonder if it ever occurred to him that if EVERYBODY got 'real' jobs, there would be NOBODY working in supermarkets/cafes/restaurants/delivering papers/collecting rubbish/running drycleaning services/cleaning his offices etc. A real job is one that pays your bills, END OF STORY!

    Wow, they what? I am very familiar with reading webcomics who get shut down after a week or two each month coz their popularity outstrips the author's ability to pay the bills. They end up running donation incentives to get readers to donate to help pay for the bandwidth.

    Good idea to get the adsense thing sorted before you go through all the hassle of setting it up only to be slapped down for bullshit >.<

    BTW I'm totally doing horrible fanart for you ;)

    Thank you so much for singing Soft Kitty for me :D I try to get Chucky to sing it to me at work when I'm tired, but Tired isn't sick XD

    Lol, I totally agree. Work pays the bills, end of story. I don't like my job, but I don't hate it as much as some places I've worked. At least my boss is an awesome lady!

    Oh holy shit, I've totally bombed that minigoal for the month, haven't I? I keep meaning to make videos, but I'm so tired after work I forget and I NEVER get up early enough to make one before I have to leave. Shit, it's Sunday. I can still make this week XD Thank you so much for the reminder!

    Good luck with the drawing! I want Honor Comics! :D

    Love you so much <3

  2. P.S.
    I started saying bollocks because I needed some work-safe swears. THEN a lecturer came through work, heard me using it and told me off. WTF?!?

    That is weird! Do you sleep on one side of your face more than the other?

    Lol, you're too nice to me. I may have to make a crappy plushie in revenge XD

