
Friday, June 7, 2013

she posted again!

And I missed it! Grrr at self! About 3 days ago Ana Regzig posted a cute pic and I overlooked it cuz I was rereading my fav parts of EGS.
Between womanlies finally dragging to an end and a nasty cough Brogave me, I have been lazy as hell these days off. My Star Trek fanfic is a bit over 1000 words and I did a brief comic sketch in my notebook but that's it. Yea I have a comic notebook. It sleeps with me. I figure even if looking at a computer screen hurts or I'm just too lazy to get out of bed I can still try to brainstorm ideas & write them down. I do need to get up tho. I've drained all my bedside water bottles. Mom is annoyed cuz I've done fuckall this week. Her schedule is opening up now that the school year is over (cuz for some odd reason a lot of church activities are tied to the school year. You'd think there'd be more church stuff in the summer when the kids were free but nooooooo) so Mom's starting up her usual "it's summer cleaning time" which is soooo annoying. Cuz my schedule does not slow down in the summer. I tend to get more hours as the senority peeps use their vacation days. So Mom's all "let's clean!" And I just want to rest.
It's been a cool, rainy summer so far. 50 degree nights (USA still uses fairenheit scale... and did I spell that right?) And today's high temp was barely over 70. So my attic room has been very comfy this week. And work is doing new uniforms soon I guess. I was asked for my size. Ofc they did not give me a sizing chart to take with me so I could get my measurements checked. Noooo. So since my last work-provided shirt is labelled XL I stuck with that. It's easier to take something in than to let it out. And work doesn't like anyone wearing sweaters etc over the work shirt. So I need room under the shirt for winter layers.
Last week at work was so awful. 3 people called off on truck day, which was also the change the sale tags day. So truck didn't get touched til the next day. And then I had yet another shaving shit & deoderant reset! So I got no sales at all. Ugh.
Ok I should go eat something semi-healthy and then try to get another 100 words or so writtem.


  1. Fuck, I'm going to write you a little Seven/Janeway drabble with creative use of cahracter-referrings-to. Dunno the proper words. My brain hates me right now!

    Oooooh you have an attic room? I've always wanted one. Not in winter, of course!

    Yes, healthy noms and writing. Can you get thermals for winter? Oooooh I could spot you some Icebreaker gear in return for makeup tips? I brought my first REAL PROPER makeup brush boz Warehouse was having a clearout. Eyeshadow thing, mine always get wrecked :/

    LOVE YOU! *Huggles*

  2. P.S. Comment Replies!

    Over-pronouning IS clunky. Fuck, I'll try to write you a trial bit after I do these pony edits, ok? Drabbling away, woo.

    Kitteh cuddles are the bestest EVER!

    Mannequins never used to creep me out until I watched Doctor Who. Now I don't go downstairs in the dark 0.0;

    Our workplaces are both mental. I'm tempted to ask Hiring McMan if he was made aware of the full circumstances around Lia having to resign, since it IS a health and safety issue! (Coming in to work sick b/c nobody could work, passing out, fucking up spine and losing feeling)

    I want to chuck Dropkick Bro off lawyers' head right now. UGH.

    Path and Senth ARE together and will be together when I find out where the fuck they went. Nope, no elves so far. If there were any they'd be the 'This ain't our problem, why should we care?' kind. Look up the 'Lorwyn' and 'Morningtide' block elves from M:TG to get an idea :p

    Deirdre wants more from the human/dwarf POV but I don't want to put it in there. When one country attacks another Joe Public doesn't know the other side and has no clue what is going on, Path is pretty much Joe Public in that world. What do you think? I'm going to work more little hints in to show how bad shit is getting, but I don't want people to go over tot he human side! The story of the invaders can be a bigger set of stories later, but I need a better idea of the world politics of the time before I can start them.

    Ooooh and the horror and angst of some of the soldiers when they realise they were lied to for centuries of anti-dragon propaganda. Delicious. Your enemy is not a uniform horde or a faceless monolith. Fun times ahead!

    Thank you for being so fantastic and supportive *huggles* I LOVE YOU TO BITS, OH AWESOME ONE!
