
Saturday, September 17, 2011

I got like 5 mins to dash a quick note cuz I'm working like a beast this week. Lotsa peeps taking their vacations but hey more hours = more $$
Once this busy streak is over I get my vacation yay!
Also got a paper due thurs that I haven't even started. Fuuuuuuck.
Vacation ofc starts AFTER the paper is due.
Blah...gotta go be a good wageslave.

Also oops on me taking a set of work keys home. They were in my back pocket & fell out when I was driving. Didn't know I had them lol.

Diet has been got pizza and reeses chips ahoy last night. I suck.

Gotta go!

1 comment:

  1. Long hours can sometimes make dieting easy. But sometimes it makes me end up binging. It kind of depends I guess... Good luck with getting the paper done.
