
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Well crap... there's still yummy Rotary foods! Seems Mom's taking the fruit salad, which is good cuz there's way too many pineapples & marshmallows for my liking. She also claimed the rhubarb pie, cool. But the apple pie is all me and there's still a small tub of sour cream. I already ate the leftover shredded cheese.
Ok how to make this work....
I guess the keto thing will have to wait a bit. But all is not lost. I have a box soup, acorn squash & mango, that I've been wanting to try. The soup box actually suggests to add sour cream to it. And the soup is organic and only 70cals a cup. And I can also finish up my carby food bars. And that yummy C-boost smoothie that I opened a day or so ago. Focus on keeping the noms as healthy as possible. Ok apple pie not so yay but I'm not about to throw it out. But I will ignore the 3 bags of coconut m&ms that I bought for the womanlies & never opened. They can wait until next month. Small victories.
I also need to get back to the gym. My membership fees are still being taken so my card should work. Weightlifting is my friend. Besides...I have a goal now. One of the meaner stalkers found Samantha's booking sheet for that insanely low DUI. (Side come she had to pay some $2000 for a .08 but blohan only had to pay $300 for 2 DUIs within a month of each other? I swear blohan is blackmailing someone. Anyway...)
According to her booking sheet Samantha is 5'7 and 102lbs.
Wow... and yikes.
Well, I did post about my suspicions about her before. And she does have quite the thigh gap. I suck at math... what's the BMI on stats like that? Can't be healthy... poor girl.
Poor girl. I'm gonna aim to lift 112lbs. Because I'm hoping she'll at least get up to there. 120 would be better. Poor girl. I don't want her to die... :(
I think we all here get how the disordered mind works. There was talk about a weight-loss competition going on between blohan & Samantha..... I don't think such a competition was entirely voluntary though.... disordered minds will often freak out over being "the heavier one" in a relationship. Erin also looked like she got skinnier when with Samantha... and I'm not blaming anyone. We know how our minds work. I'm only ok with being the heavier one if I'm with a girl that I can tell is a smaller build. I'm ok with outweighing Samantha. Makes it easier to carry her to my den on iniquity ^_^. But i'd completely flip out if I outweighed a female wrestler or athlete or someone like Khloe Kardashian (the only kartrashian I can tolerate) and I am a little unnerved when I meet a boy that weighs less... even if he does have a small build. I was damn skinny back when I still dated boys.
But I've talked myself into being ok with outweighing some girls. That has to be worth something.
Ok... I work today... and tomorrow... and the day after that and there's a C-boost smoothie calling my name.

1 comment:

  1. Marshmallows. . . in. . . fruit. . . salad. That makes no fucking sense to me whatsoever. None at all. What is WRONG with the people who made that monstrosity?!?

    *Eyebrow wriggle* Ooooh carry her off to your Den of Iniquity ay? :p

    Ugh I'm so pissed off with skinny guys right now. My Ex AND Kirk both weigh my Ultimate Goal, and Kirk is teller than me so he still looks really emaciated despite having put on weight since starting working with us. Ugh. Oh well, I can still easily leg-press either of them with extra weight on top!

    That is good. I don't mind outweighing skinnyfat girls because my muscle tone makes me look skinnier than them even if I'm 5-7kg heavier XD

    Slumlord is both a nickname and an accurate descriptor, I'm afraid. It took him 8 months to do anything about the leak that ran down the walls whenever it rained :/

    That would be nice, but I can't see it happening. Why would Miles want to pay rent somewhere else when he own his (Really fucking tiny) place already? I hardly see him anyway, it's more of a non-relationship and has been for about a year.

    OMG I would love to have a guy who could do my hair, but the physical contact involved even in that would have me freaking out and twitching like a nervous rabbit tweaking on heroin.

    Contrary is definitely the word for it. Ugh. Makes me with I was the religious type so I could take a vows of celibacy and chastity and nobody would think it weird.

    So much love to you too. Have a good day at work and take care of yourself <3
