
Monday, March 7, 2011

More talk of Lent. Seems my bro is going to do a Ramadan-like thing where he fasts during daylight hours, though he counts it as no solid food. He's even been preparing by slowly cutting down the solid foods for the past 2 weeks. He's down to like 2 apples a day during daylight hours. Wow. He still wants to work out etc so he's decided his protein shakes are fine. And that beyond just giving up junk food, me and Mom should use Lent as a time to totally change our eating habits.
And Mom also thought I was 120 back when me and R first met. I had to explain that 120 at my height would give a BMI of 18 which was borderline underweight. And that 135 was considered healthy for my height.
Perhaps "disordered" thoughts on eating and weight actually run in the family but since it's family-wide it goes unnoticed, assumed as normal.

Because what makes "normal"? Who decides which choices get to be called "normal" and are allowed?

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