
Friday, October 5, 2012

oops, I did it again! (long, with pics too!)

Ha! Sorry for the obvious Britney Spears reference. I kinda grew up with her. i remember when she first became big.... before the evil of Lufti! I wasn't a big fan of that damn k-fed either. But moving on.

Yep, i slept all damn day AGAIN. So here I am at 5am and Mom's gonna be madddd... but i'm on computer! Found my flash drive and transfered my various pics.. now i'm digging up my comic hosting site info.

Also found a fellow lez on here.. who's seriously too young for me (I'm getting used to that.. back to crushing on Ronson) and this babydyke is also a muslim.. which means my fledgling pro-gay theology will be totally useless for her.
Someone find me some pro-gay Muslims i can send little babydykes too.
I also need some pro-gay resources for Jewish babydykes, though since Jews and Christians share the Old Testament (ok so technically my people STOLE the Old Testament and rewrote it but nevermind!) I might be able to figure out something. Maybe.

Still want to meet a Jewish person. Probably because i've seen way too much Big Bang Theory. Bwahahah i wanna see if Howard's mom has any real-life equivalents. Cuz the whole gayboy queen thing does have some basis in reality. Some stereotypes begin with people who fit those behavior patterns.

This is not doing my comic!
Ok.. still have no idea how to set up my comic's mailbox. Wow i suck at computer stuff. Waaa i want a Sheldon! Except he'd drive me crazy and his special brand of crazy is not worth the small help he'd be. My needs are simple. He might lock me out just to prove his superiority!

Oh hell, I've forgotten how to do this. No wonder.. my last update was... JUNE?!?!?!?!? Feck!

oh dear.. and this is comic 3.. so for the first time i will have a middle comic.. so i gotta figure out how to make two links on the same line.. but on opposite sides of that line..
Gah! it's been too long!
And I forgot about getting a paypal tipjar.. me be DUMB.

ok I'm not dumb.. but i'm definitely feeling my newb-ness. i got both links up but um... how come they're not on the same line? Why is one higher? Uh.... what i do wrong here? Feck.
Have a distraction while i whump my  head on my keyboard..
Oh my, those eyes....
She's got to be the absolute smallest girl I've ever had a crush on. My other crushes are Adele, Kate Winslet, Queen Latifah, Catherine Zeta-Jones... but Samantha just has some dreamboat eyes. I've always been the smaller girl in my relationships. But for her.. I'd be the bigger girl. No problem. I want to be strong enough to pick her tiny self up and carry her away.
And there's a chance that she's attracted to different sized women, not just super tiny girls. (lilrednyc is Samantha, it's an olddddd nickname she's had for YEARS)
I would never call Christina fat. Not remotely fat! But she's not bony skinny, is she? Girl is hot! A bit girly for me.. but I can't deny she has a lovely figure.
A ha.. each new div counts as its own line no matter what.. well feck now what?
I'll put another row in! Rather than have the links share the comic's cell!
YES! Got it to look right! Happy me!
Wow this is simple coding. i checked out the source code for EGS and derrrrr... i have no clue what is going on there. Maybe someday i'll understand php. Probably not.
like my comic's Tip Jar? i thought it was funny...... :p
Here's that cute embarassed pic i mentioned...
 Awwwww..... so cute!
I probably shouldn't use the cartoons tag here but since I do mention my comic... it kind of applies. Also.. I ended up not changing Trixie's shoes.
Oh hey.. the girlfriend!
Bwahahaha when this pic was posted.. on Annabelle's twitter I think (Annabelle is on far right)... there were soo many "wtf?!?" comments from Samantha's friends! Heeehehehehe!!!!
More cuteness!
She's a very pale-skinned girl, like me, and pale skin reflects camera flashes waaayyy too easily. Kinda hard to see how cute she is in this pic. i think that's Jessica Alba on the far right. Lauren is Jessica's friends & makeup artist.
That one's a bit better. She's really quite cute, but most pics of her have Alba in them and well... i'm biased and while Alba is very pretty, i prefer the slightly tomboyish types. So excuse me for only posting pics with Samantha ^_^
Here's a pic that Charlotte Ronson posted... she playfully complained about finding Samantha crashing on her office's couch. Ha! Samantha and her socks!
This is a pic that Lauren herself posted. She titled it "Sprinkles!" and wow talk about bed hair! Just what were you and Samantha doing before you took this picture, Lauren? ;)
Hee! Samantha is actually lactose-intolerant. Girl should buy stock in Lactaid the way she loves her ice cream. I also found some cute pics of Samantha in girly clothes! She took them before her Live with Kelly performance I think.
I do love it when she decides to surprise everyone. That tiny waist.... i wanna wrap my arms around that tiny waist!
*slaps self* ok Ok.. Samantha might well be taken now. Must behave..... who am i kidding?
That's Annabelle in the upper pic w Samantha, btw.

And posting these adorable pics keeps me distracted from my total diet fail today. Ack! mom brought home pizza again! And i had beef & cheese stick duos, and I got into the cookie dough again!

Oh hai, Diabetes! How are you today? What's that? You wanna kill me? yea.. I need to run away from you! But i'm not doing that by eating crap, am i? *sigh* Bad Honor! Need more healthy noms! Ugh.. stupid pizza. Stupid cookie dough! Good thing i shoved my chocolate stash in an out of the way drawer. I'm gonna try like hell to drink up my bigger bottle of Chocolate Protein Plus when the womanlies hit... and i'm due for that early next week. Ugh... I can haz menopause?
 Wow I'm starting to feel tired.... ugh still haven't looked into getting adsense started. or paypal. But i have a headache from staring at coding!Waaaaa! Can i please do tomorrow? or next week? or something? i'm still working out the coding.. not even sure how to place the ads yet....
And yes.. I'm making excuses.. but i seriously do have a headache after staring at the code and racking my brain until i got it mostly looking how i want.
So i bedtime. But by comic number 4 i should have enough of a grip to at least try to play ads. And definitely by number 5. Number 5 is alive!
Ok.. I go now.


  1. Lol, babydyke? How do you define one of those? And what the hell is too young for you? You make me feel like a geriatric :( Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!

    Aunty Dave is my favourite Orthodox Jew. He's also gay. I think you two would get on amazingly.

    Lol, I know some nerd but they're not web-designers. They program and build computers, they don't know anything about scripting.

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH comic! Fanart time nearly?

    Yup, cute pic is adorable.

    Lol I was a total tomboy growing up. Girly girls always made me feel tall and clumsy and gawky. I always end up with crushes on the more girly types. (Hence Aphrodite at work, who is now dating Mr.T. Fucking hell, why couldn't she be Bi???)

    Hmmm, how about one serving of one type of "junky" food a day? That way you still get to have some of the stuff Mrs Weasley brings home, but it doesn't ruin all the good you do?

    I wants menopause too. Fucking HATE womanlies and the crampage. Not cool.

    Have a good sleep. Love you!

  2. P.S

    Brb, dying! XD

  3. P.S.

    Nooooo no no no no no not you! Kirk came round to grab some food (Coz I hoard tinned tomatoes and pasta sauce like they're made out of gold and he couldn't afford groceries this week) and I was all bubbly and excited about NaNo and showed him the dragons and as soon as he fucked off off came the mask and I realised I was wearing the exact same mask for him I used to do for Miles before he told me to stop pretending and I just felt HORRIBLE.

    Thank you for the reminder about JK and her ridiculous amount of planning! Being this obsessed is a GOOD thing then! XD I want consistency alright, I HATE stories with plot holes the size of Jupiter >:(

    Lol, I'm glad you lied the link. It had me giggling for hours! Thank you for being so awesome

