
Sunday, November 4, 2012

bad Honor!

This "restricting til Thanksgiving" would go a lot better if i'd actually restrict.
Ugh.... ALL I have to do is keep my mitts out of the Halloween candy pail!!
Yet I fail.
Breakfast/lunch today was a deviled ham sandwich spread on multigrain french bread that I found shortdated for 99 cents. I ate slowly but until I was quite full. Dinner was one of my Green Giant steamed veggie dishes. It was very yum. And a few. Mini bananas at various points. Had I added some milk and then stopped it would have been ok. But nooooo I got into the candy. Ugh.
Well the sugar crash knocked me out so here I am awake at 4am. I mixed up my protein shake and it's slowly dissolving in the fridge. Hope it's done by 11. I'll just have water thru work, unless I take leftover protein shake, and dinner will be another Green Giant veggie dish. And also milk and mini banana and Chobani and all the Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness I can guzzle. If I'm still hungry. Just stay out of the candy!
Ungh... my stomach is so mad at mee right now.
Also the taste of the mini bananas has changed. I guess as it gets colder they're coming from farther south. It may be time to say byebye to fresh fruitforthe winter.
And these capchas are driving me crazy. Why is the number part so blurry? I give up!


  1. LOL. 'this restricting thing will go a lot better if i actually restrict!'
    ...your mittens off the chocolate and step away from the Almond Joy.
    ew. ham.
    that sounds good. then candy. oops.
    ew. how can you drink those protein shakes is beyond my area of knowledge
    cooooooooold Sam.
    if you're hungry, i will spank you!
    ...kink-y feels.
    -Sam Lupin

  2. *Huggles*

    STAY AWAY FROM THE CANDY. AWAAAAAAAAY. It's got no nutritional benefit whatsoever. Why waste your calories on something that isn't doing you any good and that you're not really enjoying? It's not logical :p

    With numbers in capchas I've worked out that so long as you have the right number of digits, it doesn't matter a bit what the actual digits are :3

    Love you <3
