
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Well...success on reaching the 30 hours... feels like I cheated tho cuz I spent most that time sleeping thru cramps with some milk and Motrin in my stomach. Cramping sucks. So I didn't even start feeling hungry til like 11pm. Broke fast at 1:15am with a bit of jerky...which drove my cat bonkers so I put it away and had a power crunch bar instead. Breakfast this morning was the rest of the jerky (after I kicked my cat out of my jerky!) And a bit of milk with another Motrin.
Since then a 15cal greens drink. To be followed by another 15cal greens drink.
Mom's making spaghetti tonight...or so she says. If so I'll be expected to eat a lil at least. I really like being in gets easier each time. So will try to keep portions small (using a small plate can help fool other peep's can spreading it out a bit)

Ketosis is nice once your body is used to it. The first time was hell but it gets a bit easier each time. It's nice to have low cal counts and not feel hungry. And my slight headache is actually from the cold. Why does work keep the heat so damn low? I gotta find a way to cover my head while inside.
9:18pm now....I got home and it wasn't was worse. Pizza! With cheesy bread! I caved. Piggy McBingey. 3 pizza slices and 4 cheesy breads. Carbalicious. And heath chips ahoy. And chocolate. Gee being fat is fun (body say:no it's not!) Well fuck. Out of ketosis for a good long while now.
Well....I'm not a purger. Just gonna have accept the consequences of this fuck-up. Give myself about an hour and a half to digest and then it's Pilates time. Feet hurt but I got a fair amount of moves that don't require standing.

This is all my fault. I did get hungry @6:30 and it wouldn't fully go away...but I wasn't that damn hungry! My poor overstuffed little body! It's so unhappy right now. Stomach is a hard lump. Too much in there. At least I'm not a pop drinker. I like milk even with pizza...and dairy does keep fat absorption down. So...yea. sigh. Want to buy som control, plz. Anyone have Control for sale?

My shopping today did include some chocolate...damn period cravings.... but yay for getting more safe foods too. Got 2 more Buddy Fruits (the girl who swings my way rung up the sale...she was confused) and I got cans of carbs at all if the label is telling the truth :)
So... no more food til noon tomorrow. 14 hours is barely enough for my poor body to work thru tonight's fuckery. If I'm not hungry yet by noon then I'll keep waiting. Then it's back to the low-carbing. If I can behave myself I should be back in ketosis by Saturday afternoon.


  1. period cravings are the devil! ima get mine in a few days and i want to eat everything in sight. if i had some control i would let you borrow it. unfortunately i don have any :(
    stay strong. Xo

  2. yeck period :( tuna rocks hardcore <3 you can do it
