
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Today is actually a fairly nice day. It's about 80 degrees and I should be upstairs working rather than on the computer but how often to I get a change to blog from the puter?.
Ok.. so it's June.. and I still got an uncle living in the basement. Be really nice to get that space back, I got heat-sensitive stuff that should be stored down there.

I also got a bunch of winter layers that I want out of my room for a bit so i can try to get said room in shape.

You know those sliding-tile puzzles where one tile is missing and you slide the others around to form the picture?
Yea... that's my room.
I'm trying to yank some tiles out, get working space... hard to do.

anyway...I did a few experiments for how to do my cartoon hair. What makes me sad is my Mom saw and thought they were of her :,(
Me haz a sad.
I thought the glasses were obvious (Mom doesn't wear glasses regularly, she just has reading glasses) and I thought it was obvious i was all belly.. and Mom carries quite a bit of her weight in her bra.
I realize me and Mom are both overweight, but she's a stockier build than me anyway so she carries her weight much better than i do.
Maybe that's why I did what I did with the last panel.. cuz it made me laugh. Kinda a low blow (no pun intended) but well.... some people just make it so easy to pick on them.
And I wanted to laugh.
i need to hugs my Mom now.

In other news, The Littlest Ronson did a Tumblr post yesterday that I couldn't help but notice (you know me!) Ronson often calls herself the airport gourmet since she spends so much time travelling and eating on the run. Anyway this is from
my excitement over this new discovery is probably a little over the top, but I just can’t help it. this is a little pot of magic.

I find eating to be a huge pain in the ass, most of the time. i hate having to stop what i’m doing to pee, eat, fill my car with petrol, or drink water. it’s just annoying. don’t get me wrong, i do like going to dinner with friends and i’m a huge fan of drinking for fun, just not when i’m busy and my body is throwing a temper tantrum like a spoiled tired 3 year old who had too much sugar. i, also, am not much of a cook, by the time i’m hungry enough to stop to eat I don’t want to spend another half an hour preparing a meal that’s going to take even more time to consume.

until today, ensure was my go to meal, a drink and a meal… killing two birds with one stone rules, not that i’m advocating animal cruelty, but hey, who am i to judge? anyway, i found these snap pots today and i’m elated. one minute in the microwave and yipee.. lunch.

yup, a law & order SVU marathon and an easy meal…. today was a good day.
She's talking about the new Heinz Beanz Snap Pots. I'm gonna have to find some cuz the nutrition info seems to vary depending on website? nutritiondata gives me nothing. I did find where it says 144 calories and which says 72 kcal. Sooo yea me dumb American and dunno what is up here.

But anyway... yea remember when i said awhile back that I SUSPECT that The Littlest Ronson is one of us?
Well this blog makes me wonder more. Eating as a bothersome chore? Don't like wasting time on said chore? Sound familiar to anyone else?
I've found her adorable since I first saw her, before I even knew her name. But the more i follow her, the more I wonder, and the more i like her. You know how Ana Regzig talked about the thinspirational angels LIVING WITH this disease?
If Samantha is one of us... she's LIVING WITH it, not Dying From it. Look at her. Yea she smokes (eww) but she's pin-thin, she seems fairly healthy, and she's a hard worker. She flies all over the world to high-paying DJ gigs. she was even there at that big dinner where Obama stuck it to Trump over the birth certificate thing. She was there! she's got a big endorsement deal with Hennessy Black. She's done up a modeling gig with Boy London. Because she wanted to. If she can get away from the crazy stalker ex, her life would be damn near perfect. I don't know what would make her life imperfect, but considering she does get harassed by randoms there's a good chance she'll never get that perfect life, but she can get damn close.

Anyway.. just to end this.. someone tweeted a link to Samantha about a USB-powered mini microwave.

Samantha's response was "holy awesomeness"

I am sooo gonna mention Thinkgeek in that fanletter that I STILL haven't finished.
*slaps self for not finishing letter yet*
And a USB microwave? That soooo sounds like a Thinkgeek item. They even have USB powered aquariums.
I'm betting they'll be all over that microwave as soon as it's available for sale.


  1. That sliding tile game analogy for your room made me laugh. Such a perfect description of my room as well!

    I like the blonde hair best, but I might be biased. :D

    Mum says the same thing about food-- that she thinks of it more as a nuisance than something fun. She thinks we should just take pills instead of having meals. So maybe lil Ronson doesn't have an ED, but is just really skinny because she thinks of food as a pain? I hope so; ED's are no fun.

    You were in my dream last night. It was super weird because I dont't know what you look or sound like, but it was definitely you.


  2. Ok, I totally reckon you're right about Ronson. I had my suspicions with that post too :p

    Bwahahahaha, so you powerlevel your Tetris skillz by re-organizing your room? Fuck it sounds like moving house! *Hugs*

    Awww, poor Mum. Maybe you should cartoon her with an EPIC rack and no glasses? I like hairs 1 and 2 best, but I think I just like your spraycanned locks more coz I'm more used to them :p Not a fan of the spaghettie-head, it looks like dreadlocks D:

    OMG keep me away from ThinkGeek! And Knitworld too, for that matter. Need to save meh pennies!

    Lurve you! <3
