
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Uuunnggghhh... am on phone at work, spending my break in the bathroom. Guess what? I'm bleeding! Already?! I need to start charting these things better...I swear it feels like the womanly cycles are getting shorter.
Boobies hurt a few days ago, which was my warning. They always get kinda sore before the evil red aunt flo visits. Bras get real painful...good thing I'm small enough to go without (unless I'm working out. Even small ones bounce)
So I feel like shit. Pigged out on chocolate last night which doesn't help. Getting some Motrin and a bit more chocolate and my tuna salad lunch kit things. Yummy and no cooking. I get a rare day off tomorrow and I'm betting I'll be lazy. And I'll eat whatever will fill my tummy up enough to take a pain pill.
I swear the cycles are getting shorter.

<3 to Peri for basically telling me to post my pic no matter how horrid it is :)


  1. My period is a few weeks late I think, I'm hoping it won't ever come. I despise having a period. Good luck, I hope the cycle ends soon!

  2. yucky periods :/
    thats also the only thing I like about my small chest xD if I dont feel like wearing a bra, toss on a baggy shirt and theres no prob.
    Try just going for a good walk, after your pain pill maybe? For me sis? Some time out in the sun (its getting warm were you are I assume/hope?) moving and away from food will help you feel better & be healthier, I don't like you not feeling good. Is there a park or something near you? You could sit in the sun and read or just bask if its a really nice day too.
    I agree with Peri! *chants and bangs fists* PICPICPICPICPIC!!!

  3. I used to get the swollen, painful boobies. And they would be almost a whole cup size bigger for a few days...

    Definitely post the pic!!! I'm sure it's not horrid. <3
