I'm back. Thanks for the kind words. Sorry I was so depressed there.. I didn't mean to start seeing even this blog thru the lens of depression. That "church" thing really hit me hard.. and every time mom's around me she just has to give me exhaustive updates on that "churc" so I keep getting reminded... which keeps me depressed.. and I'm sorry it spilled onto here. (By that I mean I'm sorry I thought I was being judged. I don't think I have ever seen homophobia in the ana community, so if it exists I don't know it.)
Sorry I've been over sensitive lately. :(
Ya know the reader thing never even occured to me. Blogging from my phone + too paranoid to get an app = reader doesn't work for me. There's no way for me to scroll down.
Ok.. breakfast was a 100cal single serve applesauce cup since I take my vitamins with applesauce. Yea I know but I have always had problems taking pills. The vitamins had no cal counts on their bottles. Why is that?
Took my 65cal green protein mix to work and actually I still haven't finished it.. now at home with my little cup a soup 60cals.
Oh and my work lunch was a lil luna mini bar 80cals.
And ofc when I got home I ate 4 hershey kisses that mom put under my nose. Oops.. so that's another (26 x 4) 104. Sigh. So 344 assuming I can actually add in my head. Probably ought to say more like 350 since surely those vitamins can't be calorie-free.
Think I'll go to bed early. The xmas stuff is in already (I say xmas because retail jobs don't really give a shit about Christmas... even Christmas Eve is considered an ordinary day. Work is not gonna close early)
Hard day today. Feet achingggggg....... so... yea.
personally i think you had a great day intake wise! im sorry about being sad, but things'll brighten up soon, just think of all the weight you are losing! <3