
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Uuunnnnggghhh. Fuuuuuckkkkkk meeeeeeee I did it againnnnnnnn
Got home from work and turns out tonight was the spaghetti dinner at that "church". Ofc I didn't go since I worked.. but mom had a couple of tickets and she ussed one to get me a takeaway box. I swear the portion didn't look that big when it was in the box! But uuuggghh I guess my stomach shrunk and my brain hasn't figured that out? There was also a bread roll and cookie! Chocolate chunk (very good)
Ugh... it's a good thing that was my only meal today. Until then i'd just been drinking my protein powder/go greens mix (roughly 65cal for 20oz)
Ugh and ugh. And I'll bet that big dinner will last well into tomorrow too.
Which means I won't be trying the beef nuggets I got tonight, since work still has no turkey jerky.
And I haven't taken any of my vitamins in like a week. Bad me.
Ugh... I should post pics of my fat belly... it'd be very motivating. Good reverse thinspo.
Maybe I should be glad I can't upload from my phone. It saves me from embarrassment. Besides it'd be far more fun to tease kristal than to make her sick.
Then i'd post a pic of my tiny arm with a quarter on my wrist. As a reminder that I'm killing myself with being overweight.

Meanwhile... here's the link to the twitpic from awhile back, for anyone who missed it

And here's a link I just looked up.of course I have this pic on my computer but can't upload it from there.

She's pointing out her sunburn.. but my eyes go to her wee waist and how I think I see her spine and is it me or are her undies nearly falling off her hips? Anyway she's tiny and those fans who met her (I'm so jealous) call her things like Pixie DJ and Little One. It's kinda funny how she tries to act all big and bad and she's really this itty bitty thing. And judging by how she keeps taking lindsay back, she's also a total pushover. I would never have put up with all that shit. Being publicly accused of doing drugs, publicly accused of cheating (several times) aving the papparazzi put on sam's tail (w lindsay tweeting the pap boy's pic with the word Caught beofr any gossip blog had the pics) having a window smashed, having cigs thrown at sam's head, getting tossed out of tea room, getting a glass thrown at sam's head..
If I had been in sam's shoes, lilo would have been done.
Long story short.... sam acts tough but she's just an itty bitty teeny pushover.
And it's my bedtime. Ugh toooo much pasta! Pasta= empty calories! But it also means there won't be any suspicion thrown my way. So yay for that small favor.

And my cat still can't keep her fat ass inside the litterbox. Sigh.


  1. oh I hate that feeling when you eat too much and your belly is sticking out :(
    You did good during the day though! You can totally make up for that tomorrow <3 stay strong sweetie, sometimes we just have to do things to avoid questions.

  2. You said my name. You raaaaaaaaang? I love SamRom. I find her hot. Think I'd find her hotter if she never dated Lohan.
