
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lil BellaAna.. the pill spray is called Pill Glide. Imaginative name huh?

Thanks to D (I still can't remember how to spell your name and I'm blogging from phone. Me sorry!) Thanks for the idea. A bit of milk before bed also calms me down.
Wow taking them at night is looking more and more logical!
I did try soymilk, wasn't a fan. Only time I liked it was when I was stuck on Lamisil for 3 months and lamisil screwed w my taste buds. Didn't even like chocolate.
And I've worn sandals in the school showers ever since! My gym is sooooo much cleaner than the old school was. That school got torn down and replaced last year. It needed to be done but I got a wee bit nostalgic anyway.

Currently at work blogging thru my lunch. And I really got to vent.
Was stuck up front thanks to some call-offs. Had to deal with this bitch who decided that the bonus value listed on a cetaphil lotion was actually the price of the entire unit. The tiny travel sized freebie was worth 2.99 and the package said that but noooo she wanted the entire 15 dollar unit for 3 bucks. And she was all overdressed for drugstore shopping. Slim jeans with kitten heel boots (andd that heel spike was narrow) and her hair all relaxed out (black lady) and then carefully loosely re-curled. Not a single hair out of place. Some small-town ho trying to look better than she is.
I have 30 units like that and she only got the last 2... and she was the only one who ever had that comprehension problem. If she was truly as well-off as her clothes tried to say, then she didn't need to make such a fucking fuss.
May Karma bite that selfish bitch in the ass.

About an hour later a sweet young girl who was dressed like a poorer woman donated 3 dollars to an older lady w/ oxygen tank who was 1 dollar short. They both had frizzy hair (also balck.. black hair fascinates me) and were sooo much kinder.
Money does not buy class.

(And black hair does fascinate me. I was in college before I saw a black woman with natural hair. I honestly thought that black boys had curly hair and black girls had straight hair that defied gravity. I wanna learn how to do black hair! Waaa!)

Break over. Will have to do intake later.

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