
Sunday, September 19, 2010

The siren's song is loud right now. Because I feel helpless and powerless. Ana's call is always louder when I feel powerless. The fact that at least I have some power over my eating.
Next week the chuch that tacitly kicked me out is going to vote on whether or not to leave the ELCA. They feel that allowing gay pastors to be in loving relationships is actually against God's will. And since the ELCA recently voted to allow (but not force) churches to have gay couples.... welll.. yea.
So I don't feel welcome there.
And now mom and uncle (who has kiddieporn issues) are telling me I'm too cynical. That I need to stop taking this personally.
Right... here's why it's personal:
These fucktards use their civil right to vote to block my civil right to marry.
These fucktards base their votes on their religious beliefs.
Their religion is dictating the secular laws I'm required to follow. They're forcing me to live according to their beliefs, not my own.
They have control over very personal aspects of my life. How can I not take it personally?
The question they should really ask is why do THEY take it so personally? If their marriage is threatened by my relationship with another woman, then their marriage was never that strong to begin with.
They need to go fuck themselves.

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