
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Small good news.. staying in elca by 151 to 49 (6 no votes).
Badness... second vote was to make it constitution or something to never let a gay pastor in love be pastor at this church. In addition there will be no blessing of same sex unions. And the wording was a true proposition 8. It was awful.. very hard to tell which vote was a vote for equality. I know those fucktards did it on purpose.
But it doesn't matter. Most the "people" here are anti-gay... they're only staying with ELCA for money reasons. And my own grandpa voted to not do gay equality. Ask me now why I don't feel welcome.
.I should not have to "compromise" with bigots. No one should.
Being a minority sucks. Even peeps I thought were gay-friendly signed the petition to create this vote. And yet they're the ones feeling persecuted? Riiiiight. Nazis all of them. You don't compromise with bigots. You tell them they're wrong and you fight them. Jesus didn't even talk about homosexuality... at all. He talked a lot about divorce though... funny these fucktards have no problem blessing second and third marriages for those who divorced. Hypocrites.
Depressed now. Don't want to go out. Sure don't want to eat. Just want to go back to bed. Or maybe drop off the earth. Hearing all these hypocrites sing so joyfully is painful to me. They celebrate denying me happiness. At least I still have the option of finding a REAL church.
Still can't get married legally thanks to fucktards like this though.

I want to leave and never come back. Maybe when all the young people (who could not vote today) are the ones in charge.

Fuck this "church" for they are full of hypocrites and liars and judgemental assholes.

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