Calorie cycling.... it helped me lose. Yet I got off it. And the loss stopped. And then I gained a bit back. At least I'm not up to the starting least not yet.
Anyway Gina asked about it and what perfect timing! Cuz I need to redo the counts. I have kept below the weight I first used....barely.
As of @30mins ago I am 161 exact. Starting weight was 173 I think. How do I put my stats in the sidebar?
Anyway.. so if I were resting in a perfect womb-like state where there was no need to move, where tempurature was always perfect, etc... i'd burn between 1485 and 1528cals a day. The light movement like walking to the bathroom/bedroom/computer/kitchen etc brings it to 1781-1834. Now if I would get off my fat ass and exercise, just 1 to 3 days a week, i'd go up to 2041-2101 a day. Sadly, I'm a lazy ass. Hmmm..well damn. Looks like a possible baseline is 1800 again. It's right in the middle of the lazy-movement range. Ehhhh..... 1700 cals/ day baseline. That'll give me a small deficit even on lazy fatass days. I'll just allow some 200 extra calories AFTER a hard workout. Hey I know! When I do get to the gym, since I love the weightroom... afterwards I'll make a real bodybuilder smoothie! I need to find a blender. Milk, protein powder and something extra, ideally a banana abd a bit of peanut butter. Or something. Where am I gonna find good bananas at this time of year? Still.... idea!
So ..cycling... the 2468 diet is actually an example. The cliff notes is that the daily calorie intake is varied..but it has to be wildly varied from day to day. The slight change between, say, 400 and 600 is too small. Might be better to go 200-800-200-800... you'd still have the same total over a period of 4 days. 200 + 400 + 600 + 800 = 200+ 800 + 200 + 800.
Ofc my cal counts are much higher but that's the general idea. Burn days are the low cal days and Eat days are well... eating days! With a baseline of 1700, the Burn days have a limit of 700 but it's ok to be below that. The 700 is a limit, not a mandate. Last time I was often at 400 to 600 for a Burn day even tho the limit was 900. And Eat days are 1800 (or thereabouts). And it's actually better to go a wee bit above the Eat limit rather than below.
I got the idea from this article on a bodybuilder website:
I took the calorie cycling idea and adapted it. I do a lot of reading on that site, actually. Bodybuilders are great sources of information about nutrition and burning fat. Their ideas just require a bit of tweaking to adapt to my own goals.
Also this time my "days" will go from 10pm to 10pm... I need to accept that I am a night owl from a family of night owls. And 10pm is just a natural changeover time for me.
From sunrise until 10pm tonight my intake was barely 300 so that was a Burn day. So I'm now in Eat day.and I think a big glass of milk sounds damn good.
Oh I should mention that I am still gonna pay attention to protein. On Burn days especially. I like to alternate Burn and Eat but it's always easiest to do a Burn when I work. The running around keeps my mind off food. So especially when I have Burns back to back... high protein. Yay protein powders!
sounds like an excellent plan. I have a friend who was a body builder. he had to eat 6 meals a day at specific times and he basically lived of tuna and protein shakes. im a night person too so i totally understand starting your days at 10pm. good luck with everything. xo
ReplyDeleteQuick question, mind if I do the fasters page a little different from the original? I've had this idea to streamline it from the first time I saw how the original was set up. Like, instead of making every month a new page, which seems like it would clutter up the top bar pretty nastily after awhile and I assume we want to keep this going for awhile, just have one page for it and put the new month at the top of the page every month.
ReplyDeleteGood idea getting back into your cycling since it worked :)
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you burn so many cals in a day just by doing regular things! I just looked it up. Made my day. ;)
ReplyDeleteI like your plan. I might steal it. <3
kfowmvofmomao how come you have such a good metabolic rate. Mine's like... 1300, according to the GP, which is similar to Isobel's, whose BMI is a whole five-to-seven points lower than mine at any given time. My scientific opinion is that you're just bitches. D<
ReplyDeleteI jest, I jest XD
I've heard of the every-other-day thing. Said the only problem is that it encourages the development of mildly eating-disordered behaviour in people who're otherwise fine about food. But seeing as how yer here I'm guessing that's... yeah XD
Much love <3