
Friday, November 12, 2010

Tea party was epic fun. Dunno why K kept talking about this Ronson person tho :p
Anyway when I logged off the chat room I had a pounding headache and a well-meaning "here eat this" from the fam turned into way too many empty calories.
And I still have the headache. And I don't know why. But it's very annoying. Waiting for the aspirins to kick in.... still.
I drank lots o tea. It was vitamin c tea. Can tea get old? But if it did get old wouldn't it upset my stomach instead of making my head pound?
Oh well. Off to take more aspirins and try to sleep. I'm now wearing a pair of pants that I can fasten for the first time in some 2 years as a reminder to not eat anymore.


  1. the tea party was awesome... quite glad i met your lovely self there. headaches suck. i dont think tea can go off, but i could be wrong. congrats on fitting into the pants. xo

  2. I kept talking about her 'cause I'm obsessed with her. Waaaaiiit... oh, nevermind, silly me, that's not ME, that's this other chick I know... XD

    Might be the caffeine? And tea can get moudly but doesn't go off by itself.

    Hope you feel better soon <3 And yay pants! ^^

    Much looove <3
