
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Well shit... apparently i SHOULD have asked Adeline about restarting Hungry for Change. Before she deleted her blog I commented on it if maybe she could just pass the torch on, and that idea was echoed by a commenter who came after me... but I never got a response. Just a deleted blog that I STILL haven't figured out how to remove from my Following list.

And well... she said she didn't want to do it any longer when she deleted the blog... so of course I didn't think she'd be interested in joining the new one. I honestly didn't think she even wanted to be told about the new one.. that she wanted to leave that part of her journey behind. It never occurred to me that she would consider the entire concept of fasting for causes as HERS.

But it is my opinion that there was a third "person" in the conversation that didn't get a say.. and that was all of us who wanted to be part of the next monthly fast. I had just found the blog and it was already marked for deletion. It made me sad!
Even the idea of archiving past entries was apparently not considered :(

i certainly wasn't trying to hurt her... the blog address I reserved is different.. i didn't try to steal her address. I didn't copy the title. I even said in the first post that it was started by her FANS. I openly said it was an offshoot, like Angel was an offshoot of the Buffy series.

Well obviously the title is going to have to change to something else. I'll also have to figure out how to change the address without deleting and starting over.
it'd be nice if Warner Bros was like me that way... instead they're bumbling ahead with a "Buffy movie" and didn't even ask Joss Whedon.. and have no plans to involve him at all. it'd be nice if they'd at least name it something different, wouldn't they?

But the concept of fasting for causes is a concept as old as religion. And I certainly still intend to aim for my humble 30 hour fast with or without her consent.

And I just discovered that "Hungry for Change" is actually a trademark or something connected with that Food Inc. movie. hrrrm.. guess changing it would be a good idea for a number of reasons, huh?

In conclusion I am sorry I hurt Adeline but it was most unconsciously done and I hope will be of short duration.

But I still submit that the idea behind the blog cannot be copyrighted. The blog of course will be renamed. But we who wish to fast for our causes certainly have the right to do so.


  1. I have to admit, I'm feeling absolutely horrible..

  2. mmgioefoiignne

    First things first because I can do technicalities much better than sticky situations... actually wait no that won't work either. Was gonna try and figure out how to unfollow HFC but I am a doofus.

    I'm pretty sure Adeline never thought of the concept of fasting for causes as hers - Hungry for Change, though, and all it mean(t/s) to her... yes. But if you've seen Alice D's comment on Starving Artist's blog... it doesn't seem that Adeline got the idea that it was inspired by, rather than a direct copy, of her original idea?

    I don't know =\ A few wrong, apparently insignificant decisions = BIG MESS. But Ade's such a lovely girl so I'm sure she'll understand... I suppose the shock of the moment will have... yeah.

    -is clearly very helpful. Always.-

    Love love love for you <3

  3. i also wanted to mention the hurt she felt had NOTHING to do with the title. i think you need to speak with adeline about this because it appears to me as if you don't really know why she's upset.
    hope you're well,
    alice d.

  4. I don't actually know o.o Leave is the wrong word... I think it's best I step back out of the picture for a bit until it's all settled a bit, mainly. If that makes sense? Ayeee...
