
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dear Self,
How do you plan on getting to your goal..... 
 ... if you INSIST on being Piggy McBingey on every damn Dorito, Chips Ahoy, sloppy joes etc in the house? Is this word called Control just over your head?

Does not work that way!

I'm sure Samantha would think it's very sexy that she could use just one of my pant legs as a sleeping bag. Her dear twin Charlotte could use the other. How nice.. I can keep my favorite twins safe from the cold with minimal effort.


My calves still are tight from last night's work. every time i just walk around i feel them stretching a bit. it's like they can't be stretched often enough.
too bad... gotta do more tonight. because of those Doritos and Chips Ahoy and sloppy joes and assorted SHIT. At least i did get a Centrum in me in the midst of all that garbage.

the pants i wore for motivation need washing, but i did find a pair of jeans that are older, and tighter. Thing is.. they fit my thighs and ass just fine.. it's the damn belly! Apple shapes are sooo anoying! I almost have a gap in my thighs.. they touch sooo lightly.. but this damn gut hangs over the waistband! I look pregnant!

And if I am pregnant then God must want a daughter.. cuz i have never had sex with a man.

Also.. i still have periods.. so it would really be a miracle pregnancy xD

So this is fat. I want it gone. I really want it gone. So wtf with my sudden lack of willpower? Grrr.

Bad fat bad fat, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when i come for you...
(and i really wish i could figure out how i managed to get the words on the side of the pic like i did in an older post. no idea how it happened but i like that look and wish i could do it again)

Edit: Hi Invisible Ninja! :D  I seeee youuuuuu

second edit: from Samantha's twitter: I heart Tina Fey
and i heart Tina too :) especially for THAT. Fuck PBS!!! of course they censored Tina for political reasons! 


  1. lol "Piggy McBingey." i sooo know what you mean. all my pants are too big for me but i cant get new smaller ones cos my tummy will be all muffin top. Its bad if u have a small bum too. coz my pants fall down coz of that lol. but we can do it... no more big tummy's for us. Xo

  2. --> Dude, how ironic is that the second demotivational poster actually missed the point of the first? Like. Woah. Irony makes me happy.

    Or at least I hope it's ironic because otherwise I'll have to lose yet more faith in humanity...

    If your legs are still all wound up maybe try and take it easy tonight? =\ You don't want to end up pulling something and literally being unable to do anything at all, y'know?

    Both twins inside your pants. Lol. WHAT A PLAN xD

    But ayeee...

    [/useless comment] Brain not working. K say bye. K give love for Reg. Love. Here. -chucks <3-

  3. OH AND.

    Right, pages is a wee app you can do under "design" thingy. Add a gadget, stick pages up at the top ^^

    And I keep meaning to update my literature page D= I keep remembering just after I log out and I'm like. Buggerfunk. And ofc, now I'm thinking about it at this precise moment in time I don't have... well. Time. But yes, everybody I follow gets stuck on the Lit page eventually, when I remember to update... -bashes head-
